La communauté mauritanienne des USA pour une commission indépendante chargée d'enquêter sur les crimes de Taya.
La communauté mauritanienne des USA soutenue par sept (7) organisations des Droits Humains invitent le Conseil de Sécurité de Nations Unies et le Président Obama à œuvrer pour la tenue d’une Commission internationale et indépendante pour enquêter sur les atrocités commises sous le dictateur Taya, entre 1986 et 1992.
Prenant prétexte, du conflit avec le Sénégal, les racistes de Nouakchott avaient déporté plus de 120.000 Négro Mauritaniens et exécuté sommairement des milliers des Noirs.
La communauté dénonce toute tentative visant à indemniser les victimes, sans au préalable juger les auteurs des crimes. La communauté s’érige contre le marchandage politique et urge la tenue d’une commission indépendante chargée de faire la lumière sur les crimes odieux commis en Mauritanie.
Abda Wone
Président Mauritanian Organization for Peace and Justice
Tel: 1 631-428-7524
For Immediate Release
Mauritanian Elections: Activists call for an Independent Commission to Investigate crimes.
Members of the Mauritanian community and the undersigned organizations hereby call on the United Nations Security Council and the Obama administration to name an independent international commission to investigate atrocities committed during the regime of Maouya Ould Taya (1986-1992).
Using a 1989 border skirmish with neighboring Senegal as a pretext, government forces acting under the command of defendant Taya used torture, murder and large-scale deportations to establish Arab domination of the land, military and government. By 1991, thousands of Black-Africans were murdered and more than 120,000 were deported. We oppose the government’s current attempt to solve this issue through compensation without justice.
Presidential polls are scheduled for June 6 by the ruling military junta which came into power after the August 6 coup against democratically-elected President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi.
The current Mauritanian regime has refused to address the issue of justice for the victims of the atrocities committed under the regime of Ould Taya.
An independent international commission must be named to investigate crimes committed in Mauritania under Taya's dictatorship. We want peace and restitution through justice. We urge the UN and the Obama administration to support the citizens of Mauritania as they work to exercise their rights to freedom, free elections, justice and democracy. We are calling for the return to democracy in Mauritania.
1)Mauritanian Peace & Justice Initiative
2)Movement of Mauritanian Widows in Europe and America
3)Refugee Defense Alliance 4)Organization for Democracy and Justice in West Africa 5)The Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Mauritania 6)American Anti Slavery Group 7)
Mauritanian Organization for Peace and Justice