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Le bureau exécutif de l'AVOMM

"L'important n'est pas ce qu'on fait de nous, mais ce que nous faisons nous-mêmes de ce qu'on a fait de nous." Jean-Paul Sartre

"L'Association d'aides aux veuves et aux orphelins de mauritanie (AVOMM) qui nous rassemble, a été créée le 25/12/95 à PARIS par d'ex-militaires mauritaniens ayant fui la terreur, l'oppression, la barbarie du colonel Mawiya o/ sid'ahmed Taya ......
Ces rescapés des geôles de ould Taya, et de l'arbitraire, décidèrent, pour ne jamais oublier ce qui leur est arrivé, pour garder aussi la mémoire des centaines de martyrs, de venir en aide aux veuves, aux orphelins mais aussi d'engager le combat contre l'impunité décrétée par le pouvoir de Mauritanie."
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Bureau exécutif

*Ousmane SARR, président
*Demba Niang, secrétaire général
*Secrétaire général Adjt; Demba Fall
*Alousseyni SY, Chargé des relations extérieures
*Mme Rougui Dia, trésorière
*Chargé de l’organisation Mariame Diop
*adjoint Ngolo Diarra
*Mme Mireille Hamelin, chargée de la communication
*Chargé de mission Bathily Amadou Birama
*Kane Harouna
*Hamdou Rabby SY


Mauritanian Coalition for Democracy ( in the United States) - Coordinator Press Release

Mauritanian Coalition for Democracy ( in the United States) - Coordinator Press Release
The Mauritanian community initiatives, political movements alongside with all friends of Mauritania in the United States of America, will commemorate a Day of Democracy Wednesday, November the 19th on the eve of the expiration date of the ultimatum that the African Union (AU), the European Union and the United States, have sent to the illegal junta that holds power in Mauritania.

We are calling for demonstrations during that day, at home and abroad, to voice the Mauritanian people´s absolute rejection of the August the 6th, 2008 military Coup, which ousted the first democratically elected president, Mr. Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdellahi and illegitimately brought to power the rebel General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz.

August the 6th, 2008, has been the starting point in that country, for the negation of everything Freedom and Democracy are about. The constitution of Mauritania has been violated, freedom of the press and freedom of speech have gone through a serious setback and demonstrations and protests are met with violent repression.

We, the citizens and supporters of Mauritania are convinced that it is only through a return to constitutional rule and reconciliation among us and with the International Community, that Mauritania can find its own legitimate and lasting solutions to the many challenges it faces. We ask for your support, we ask you to walk with us in this demonstration and show the world that Freedom and Democracy are the right and the need of every people on the planet earth.

We stand together, firm and resolute on the following:

1. The return to constitutional order, through the immediate release and reinstatement of President Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi.

2. The immediate release of Prime Minister Mr. Yahya Ould el-Waghef.

3. The immediate release of all the political prisoners held in custody by the military junta.

Furthermore, we request from all the freedom lovers to join us in supporting the International Community´s plan to implement targeted sanctions against the perpetrators of the coup d´état: the military and civilian individuals who are impeding the return to constitutional legality in Mauritania.

The demonstration against the coup d´état in Mauritania will take place in front of the US Congress, Washington DC. We will meet on the steps of the west side of the Ulysses S. Grant Memorial.

Wednesday Nov 19 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Mauritanians, friends of Mauritania along with all the friends of Democracy, are welcome.

The demonstration sponsored by:
1-Mauritanian Coalition for Democracy which includes :( FLAM-USA, Mauritanian Dialogue Center, Democracy Defense Association, For-Mauritania- USA, Youth Hope USA, African Peace Tour USA, Haratine Institute Canada/USA, Mauritanian Assembly for Change Canada, and Committee of the defense of Human Rights in Mauritania USA)
2-Mauritanian Observatory for Human Rights
3-Conscience & Resistance

For more information please contact:
Sidi Mohamed Ould Kaem Sidi Mohamed Ould Abdallahi
202- 213-9500 502-500-0925
kaembox@gmail. com sidi350@yahoo. com
Mohamed Vall Ould Kah Abdallahi Ould Beyane
703-303-5438 202-641-2057
mvall1983@yahoo. com abeyane@yahoo. com

Mamadou Barry
Mauritanian Coalition for Democracy
71 Sheffield Drive Willingboro NJ 08046
TEL: 609-456-6753

Lundi 17 Novembre 2008 - 04:06
Lundi 17 Novembre 2008 - 04:35
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